Oakland City Columbia Township Public Library

Serving the community by providing informational and recreational opportunities in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.

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Library Policy

Library Cards

Library cards are required in order to borrow materials from the library. No card is needed for in-library reading or computer use.

Free cards are available to residents and property taxpayers of the library taxing district (Columbia Township.)  New customers must present a photo ID with current address to obtain a card. If photo ID does not have current addresses, a current bank statement, utility bill, mail from a government agency, or USPS change of address card is acceptable with photo ID.  Those unable to present the required documentation, should speak with library staff to obtain a card using alternate process.

Cards are valid for one year and must be renewed annually in order to continue borrowing privledges.

Non-Resident Card Information

At this time free cards are also available to:

-East Gibson School Corporation students and classroom teachers

-Center Township residents*

-Barton Township residents*

-Current cardholders of any Gibson or Pike County Public Library**

*Center and Barton Townships currently fund a limited number of library cards. Please contact the library to verify if there are still remaining cards available for the fiscal year.  These cards are limited to one per household.  Additional cards would be subject to the current non-resident subscription fee.

**The library maintains a reciprocal borrowing agreement with all Gibson and Pike County libraries.  This agreement allows for limited access cards to be issued providing you have an established account with a reciprocal library. These cards are limited to local holdings only and must utilize their home library for e-books, databasaes, and inter-library loans.

A detailed policy is available here

University Students

Oakland City University students living in temporary housing are able to purchase a library card for $10.00


All other non-residents are subject to the current non-resident subscription fee (currently $52.10).


Checkout Periods

Type Checkout Period Renewals Allowed Late Charges
Books 2 weeks two* $0.10/day
Movies 1 week two* 0.25/day
Magazines 1 week no $0.10/day

* Renewals are dependent on no other outstanding requests for the material.

Full lending policy is located here.

Other Service Fees

Service Cost

$0.15/ page black&white

$0.30/ page color

Fax $1.00-$5.00 depending on page count
Lamination $1.00/ page
Document Scanning $0.50/event
Credit Card Convenience Fee $0.30 if charge is under $5.00


Library Conduct 

The Library welcomes every member of the community to use and enjoy the Library’s facilities, collections, programs and services. Because libraries are public places designed to serve people of all ages with a wide range of interests, this policy defines expectations for behavior. You may read the entire policy here. 

Children Safety and Vulnerable Adults 

The Library is a public building and individuals of all ages are welcome. The library strives to be a place of belonging for all and the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults at the library is of utmost importance. Vulnerable adults and young children should be supervised by age appropriate, responsible parties at all times. Please refer to our policy before sending your children or vulnerable adult to the library unattended. 

Weather Closures (Summary of Policy)

The Library Director will consult with at least one board member regarding any weather-related closures. If the weather is anticipated to clear quickly, the Director may use a delay. The Library Director will post closures to social media channels.  Please call the library and use best judgment before coming out in bad weather. 

Internet and Computer Usage

The Library provides access to computers and computer-based resources for informational, educational, and recreational purposes. The policy governs the management of computers and computer data networks, including wireless service that are owned and administered by the library. It is reviewable here

Other Policies


Collection Development  


Patron Confidentiality

Public Comment at Board Meetings




This page does not include all library policies. Additional policies may be viewed at the library upon request.

Get Involved

Looking for a way to give back to the library and don't mind getting your hands a little dirty? The library is always looking for people to help tend our butterfly garden. If you would like to spend some time weeding and caring for the flowerbed, please contact the Library Director at 812-749-3559.